Understanding the Inpatient Drug Rehab Process at Vista Taos

Learn more about the inpatient drug rehab process at Vista Taos Renewal Center and how we can help you achieve your treatment goals.

The Inpatient Drug Rehab Process: Our Commitment to Holistic Healing

At Vista Taos Renewal Center, we are dedicated to providing a holistic healing experience that addresses all facets of health and well-being.
Our approach integrates physical, emotional, and spiritual therapies to support thorough and sustainable recovery.
Each aspect of our treatment is designed to work in harmony, ensuring that you receive the comprehensive care needed to foster true healing.
Inpatient Drug Rehab Process

The Role of Inpatient Drug Rehab

Inpatient drug rehab is a fundamental component of the journey to recovery. This process is structured to provide you with the intensive care necessary to overcome substance dependence safely and effectively.
Vulnerability to relapse is high in early stages of recovery. The inpatient setting ensures that you have immediate access to medical and therapeutic assistance.

Understanding Inpatient Drug Rehab

Inpatient drug rehab is a type of treatment where you stay full-time at a facility. This setting is key for those who need a safe and controlled environment to combat serious addiction issues.
It’s especially helpful if outpatient treatment hasn’t been successful or if someone is dealing with both addiction and a mental health condition.
The main role of inpatient drug rehab is to provide a secure environment. Here, clients receive continuous support to help manage the initial, intense stages of recovery. This environment allows them to focus solely on recovery, free from everyday triggers and distractions.

The Inpatient Drug Rehab Process: Comprehensive and Structured Nature of Inpatient Programs

The structured schedule is designed to fill clients’ days with recovery-focused activities. This reduces stress and helps them focus on healing.
Key components of inpatient programs include:
  • Individual counseling: Focuses on personal challenges and recovery goals.
  • Group therapy: Provides peer support and helps develop social skills.
  • Family therapy: Optional and helps improve family dynamics affecting recovery.
  • Wellness activities: These include fitness programs and nutritional counseling.
  • Skills training: Equips people with techniques to handle stress and emotional challenges.
The inpatient drug rehab process prepares people to return to daily life equipped with strategies for long-term sobriety. Initially, the program provides intensive care. Over time, it shifts toward activities that promote independence and self-management.
This transition ensures people are ready to manage everyday challenges with new coping mechanisms.

Benefits of Inpatient Treatment for People with Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

Only 10.3% of the millions of Americans with SUDs receive any treatment. However, inpatient programs can help bridge this gap.1
These programs offer numerous benefits, including:

Immediate Access to Professional Care

In an inpatient setting, clients have immediate access to care any time that they need it. Medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, and therapists, are always available to:
  • Provide support
  • Administer medications
  • Conduct therapy sessions
This constant availability is especially important during the early stages of detox and withdrawal, where physical and emotional challenges can be intense.

Structured Environment

The inpatient drug rehab process is highly structured. This structure helps people avoid unpredictability and instability that can often trigger relapse in everyday life.
A daily schedule filled with:
  • Therapy
  • Counseling
  • Activities
This keeps people engaged and reduces the likelihood of focusing on cravings or addictive behaviors.

Peer Support

Being in a facility with others who are facing similar challenges can foster a sense of community and mutual support.2
Group therapy sessions and communal living situations provide opportunities to share experiences, challenges, and victories. This contributes to a sense of not being alone in the recovery journey.

Reduced Risk of Relapse

The controlled environment of an inpatient facility minimizes exposure to triggers that might lead to relapse. The absence of substances, coupled with constant professional supervision, significantly reduces the risk of falling back into old habits.

Comprehensive Treatment

Inpatient programs offer a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment. This means that a person’s mental, physical, and emotional well-being are addressed in recovery.

Focus on Long-Term Recovery

The goal of inpatient treatment is not just to detox but to prepare people for life after rehab through:
  • Education sessions
  • Skill-building activities
  • Transitional planning 
The focus is on equipping people with the tools needed to maintain sobriety in the long term. These programs help people build a new, healthier lifestyle with strategies to manage stress and avoid relapse.

The Inpatient Drug Rehab Process: Vista Taos Renewal Center’s Approach

Our philosophy on inpatient drug rehab centers focuses on healing and sustainable recovery. We believe that successful recovery from addiction involves treating all aspects of substance use disorder. The inpatient drug rehab process at Vista Taos provides a supportive and nurturing environment.

We focus on creating a space that feels safe and secure, where clients can explore the root causes of their addiction. Our team is dedicated to guiding clients through their recovery journey with compassion and understanding.

Integrative and Whole-Person Approach

At Vista Taos Renewal Center, our inpatient drug rehab process integrates various therapeutic modalities to address all aspects of well-being. We combine traditional medical treatments with alternative therapies to foster healing on multiple levels.

Therapeutic Modalities

The therapeutic methods used in our inpatient drug rehab process include:
  • Medical detoxification: Safely managing withdrawal symptoms under medical supervision.
  • Behavioral therapies: Addressing underlying issues and improving coping skills.
  • Mindfulness and meditation: Techniques to enhance mental clarity and emotional stability.
  • Physical wellness: Programs designed to strengthen the body and promote healthier living habits.
  • Spiritual care: Activities that nurture spiritual growth and connection, such as yoga and guided meditation.
Every person entering our facility has a unique story and set of challenges associated with their addiction. Recognizing this, Vista Taos Renewal Center prioritizes the creation of personalized care plans.
These plans are tailored to align with each person’s specific needs, ensuring that all aspects of their condition are addressed.

The Inpatient Drug Rehab Process: Admission and Assessment

At Vista Taos Renewal Center, the admission process is streamlined and supportive, designed to ease the transition into the inpatient drug rehab process.

Reaching Out

The inpatient drug rehab process begins the moment you reach out to us, either through a phone call or an online inquiry.
Here’s what you can expect:
  • Initial contact: You will speak with an admissions counselor who will discuss your situation and explain how our program can help.
  • Pre-assessment: A brief pre-assessment over the phone to understand your immediate needs and substance use history. This step helps determine the best course of action.
  • Scheduling: If Vista Taos Renewal Center is the right fit, we schedule your admission date. We also provide guidance on what to bring and what to expect.
  • Arrival and welcome: Upon arrival, you will be welcomed by our staff who will make you feel at home and answer any last-minute questions.
  • Comprehensive intake assessment: A thorough assessment conducted by our clinical team to gather detailed information about your health and substance use.

Continuing the Inpatient Drug Rehab Process: Assessments

Once you are admitted to Vista Taos Renewal Center, we conduct comprehensive assessments to ensure a holistic understanding of your needs.
These assessments include:
  • Physical health evaluation: A medical examination to check for health issues and determine the necessity of detoxification.
  • Psychological assessment: Evaluations conducted by a psychologist to identify any co-occurring mental health disorders and understand your emotional state.
  • Social assessment: An evaluation of your social environment, including family dynamics, social support systems, and any external stressors.
These thorough evaluations are crucial as they help us tailor our approach to treat all aspects of your addiction.

The Development of Personalized Treatment Plans in the Inpatient Drug Rehab Process

Based on the initial assessments, our team develops a treatment plan that addresses both your immediate detox needs and longer-term rehabilitation goals.
As you progress through the inpatient drug rehab process, your treatment plan will be regularly reviewed and adjusted by our clinical team to ensure it remains aligned with your evolving needs.
You are an active participant in developing and refining your treatment plan. This collaboration ensures that the plan remains relevant and effective, empowering you in your recovery journey.

The Inpatient Drug Rehab Process: Medical Detoxification

Medical detoxification is often the first critical step in the inpatient drug rehab process at Vista Taos Renewal Center. This stage is designed to manage withdrawal symptoms when people stop using addictive substances safely.3
Detox is essential because it helps remove toxins from the body, providing a clean slate for the rest of the recovery journey. Without medical detox, withdrawal can be uncomfortable, and in some cases, dangerous.
Symptoms can range from mild anxiety and flu-like symptoms to severe complications such as seizures. The goal of medical detox is to minimize these symptoms and ensure client safety through close monitoring and medical support.

Medical Detox at Vista Taos Renewal Center

At Vista Taos Renewal Center, our medical detox protocols are tailored to meet the unique physiological needs of each client.
Here’s how we manage the detox process:
  • Assessment: On arrival, clients undergo a comprehensive assessment to determine the level of toxins in the body and any coexisting medical conditions.
  • Customization: Based on the assessment, a customized detox plan is developed to ease withdrawal symptoms and support stabilization.
  • Monitoring: Throughout the detox process, our medical staff closely monitors vital signs and general health. This continuous supervision helps manage any emerging withdrawal symptoms and adjust treatment protocols as needed.
Our team includes physicians, nurses, and support staff who are experienced in dealing with the complexities of detox. They work together to provide a safe and supportive environment during this challenging phase.

How Medical Detox Prepares Clients for the Inpatient Drug Rehab Process

Once detox is complete, clients are in a better state to engage in the therapeutic activities that are crucial for long-term recovery.
Detox helps clients improve their:
  • Mental clarity: This clarity is essential for engaging effectively in therapy sessions and educational programs.
  • Emotional stability: As the physical symptoms of withdrawal subside, people may find it easier to manage emotions. This enhances their ability to take part in psychological counseling and group discussions.
  • Motivation: Completing detox can boost confidence and motivation. This initial success sets a positive tone for the rest of treatment, encouraging people to commit to the journey ahead.
By successfully managing the initial withdrawal through medical detox, clients are better prepared to face the challenges of the inpatient drug rehab process. This preparation is crucial as they transition into intensive therapy, where they will learn the skills needed for sustained sobriety and recovery.

The Inpatient Drug Rehab Process: Therapeutic Modalities

We recognize that recovery from addiction is a multifaceted process, requiring a diverse range of therapeutic modalities. Our inpatient drug rehab process incorporates various forms of therapy to ensure a comprehensive treatment approach that caters to all aspects of well-being.
It includes:
  • Individual therapy: This one-on-one therapy allows clients to work privately with a therapist, focusing on personal issues and recovery goals. It’s a time to explore thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a safe and confidential setting.
  • Group therapy: Here, clients engage with peers under the guidance of a professional facilitator. Group sessions are designed to foster peer support and shared learning experiences, helping people develop communication skills and socialization strategies.
  • Family therapy: Often, addiction affects not just the individual but the entire family. Family therapy sessions are included to repair relationships, enhance support systems, and involve loved ones in the recovery journey.

Overview of Evidence-Based Treatments Used in the Inpatient Drug Rehab Process

Our commitment to recovery is reflected in our adoption of several evidence-based treatments known for their effectiveness in treating substance use disorders. These include:

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT helps people identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to addiction. The goal is to teach clients healthier ways of thinking and coping with stressors, reducing the likelihood of relapse.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT focuses on teaching coping skills to:4
  • Manage stress
  • Regulate emotions
  • Improve relationships with others
This therapy is beneficial for those who experience intense emotions and struggle with impulsivity.

Motivational Interviewing (MI)

MI is used to enhance motivation toward recovery. This therapy involves collaborative conversations that encourage clients to find and harness their personal motivations to abstain from substance use.
MI helps people resolve ambivalence toward change, making it easier to commit to long-term recovery goals.

Integration of Holistic Therapies in the Inpatient Drug Rehab Process

Integrating these evidence-based treatments with holistic and experiential therapies enhances the effectiveness of the inpatient drug rehab process by addressing recovery from multiple angles:

Holistic Therapies in the Inpatient Drug Rehab Process

Holistic therapies reduce stress and enhance mental clarity. These practices support the work done in CBT and DBT by helping people maintain focus and balance, providing a non-verbal way to express emotions and process trauma.

Experiential Therapies in the Inpatient Drug Rehab Process

Experiential therapies allow people to express and process emotions in a non-verbal way, which can be particularly powerful if traditional talk therapies are challenging. These therapies complement the cognitive-based approaches and help people build self-awareness and emotional regulation.

Alternative Approaches in the Inpatient Drug Rehab Process

Alternative approaches can also be integrated into inpatient drug rehab to support relaxation, self-care, and mindfulness. These practices are especially helpful for reducing stress and promoting overall well-being during the recovery process.

The Supportive and Therapeutic Environment Provided Within the Residential Setting

Our environment at Vista Taos Renewal Centers actively supports and participates in recovery. Every aspect of our setting is intended to be therapeutic, from the peacefulness of our grounds to the design of our living spaces.
The community clients join here is both a sanctuary and a crucible, where shared experiences forge strong bonds and collective healing. It’s where every interaction is an opportunity for growth and every shared story a lesson.
In this community, support is always within reach, and isolation is actively dispelled. Our compassionate staff are there to guide and support, while peers serve as a source of understanding, empathy, and inspiration.

Establishing Routine and Accountability in the Inpatient Drug Rehab Process

In the journey to recovery, the predictability of a structured routine is invaluable. Each day at Vista Taos Renewal Center is a blend of activities designed to foster healthy habits and provide you with tools for sober living. This routine instills a sense of normalcy and purpose.
Moreover, the accountability it brings plays a critical role. Clients are not only accountable to the staff but to their peers and, most importantly, to themselves. This level of accountability reinforces their commitment to recovery, making the journey more focused and intentional.
Through this structured approach, coupled with the supportive environment and the accountability built into our program, Vista Taos Renewal Center ensures that clients have the optimal conditions for a successful recovery, setting a solid foundation for a new, healthier life beyond our doors.

Family Involvement and Support in the Inpatient Drug Rehab Process

At Vista Taos Renewal Center, we celebrate the powerful role of families in the recovery process. By transforming from bystanders to active participants in this journey, families not only aid in the rehabilitation of their loved ones but also experience their own growth and healing.

Our family program is structured to integrate loved ones into the treatment process in meaningful and supportive ways:

Family Therapy Sessions

Led by our experienced therapists, these sessions provide a safe space for open and honest communication between clients and their family members. Through this process, unresolved issues can be addressed, and healthy boundaries can be established.

Family Education

Imagine a family beginning to understand the complexities of addiction through our educational workshops. In these sessions, families learn the science behind addiction and receive practical guidance on how to create a supportive environment at home.
These workshops serve as a beacon of knowledge, illuminating the path families can take to support their loved one’s journey to recovery.

Family Visitation

With our family visitation program, loved ones can come to stay for a short period during treatment. This unique opportunity provides a safe and supportive environment for reconnecting and healing together.

Enhancing Treatment Outcomes Through Family Involvement

As families engage more deeply in the treatment process through educational and support avenues, they become key players in the recovery narrative. They learn to communicate more effectively, creating an environment at home where open conversation replaces misunderstanding and conflict.
This evolving dynamic significantly bolsters the recovery process. When clients know their family understands their struggles and supports their recovery, it adds a layer of motivation and confidence that is crucial for long-term success.
Families who understand the importance of avoiding triggers and supporting lifestyle changes contribute to a stable and supportive environment, essential for maintaining sobriety.

How to Begin Your Journey to Healing

Ready to start your journey to recovery? Contacting us at Vista Taos Renewal Center is your first step. You can reach us through various means:
  • Fill out the contact form on our website: This is a quick and easy way to get in touch.
  • Email us: You can also send an email to info@vistataos.com with any inquiries or concerns.
  • Call us directly: Our phone number is (575) 758-5858. We understand that reaching out for help can be daunting, but our compassionate and knowledgeable staff is here to assist you.
  • Visit us in person: Our address is 259 Blueberry Hill Road, El Prado, New Mexico 87529. Get a feel of our tranquil and healing environment by scheduling a visit. 

The Admissions Process and Insurance Options for Inpatient Drug Rehab

The admissions of inpatient drug rehab process at Vista Taos Renewal Center is designed to be as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Here’s what you can expect:
  1. Initial inquiry: When you contact us, we’ll discuss your situation and the nature of your needs. This conversation is an opportunity for you to learn more about our services and for us to understand how we can best assist you.
  2. Pre-assessment: We’ll conduct a brief pre-assessment over the phone to gauge your specific needs and the severity of your addiction. 
  3. Insurance verification: We’ll help you navigate through your insurance options. Our team works with many insurance providers and can help you understand what your plan covers.
  4. Scheduling your admission: If you decide to proceed with treatment at Vista Taos Renewal Center, we will help you schedule your admission at a time that works for you.
Our goal is to make the entry into the inpatient drug rehab process as seamless as possible, ensuring that financial or logistical concerns do not stand in the way of your recovery.
Inpatient Drug Rehab Process

Your New Beginning Awaits With Vista Taos

Vista Taos Renewal Center is dedicated to providing compassionate and individualized care throughout the inpatient drug rehab process. Our approach is rooted in the understanding that each journey to recovery is unique.
We commit to offering effective, evidence-based treatments tailored to meet the personal needs and circumstances of each client.
Our comprehensive program includes medical detox, a variety of therapeutic modalities, and continuous support, ensuring that all aspects of addiction are addressed.

Seek Help and Support

We understand that deciding to seek help for addiction is a significant and often difficult step. Remember, recovery is not just a possibility; it’s within your reach. At Vista Taos Renewal Center, we encourage anyone struggling with substance use to reach out.
Embracing support can dramatically improve your chances of recovery. Our team is here to provide the care and support you need in a respectful and healing environment.

Join Us

We invite you to join the many who have found hope and a new beginning with us. Start your journey toward a healthier, sober life today. Our doors and hearts are open to help you reclaim your life from addiction.
Contact us to begin your transformative journey toward a brighter, healthier future.
Table of Contents

Ready to Renew Your Life and Well-Being?

Reach out to Vista Taos Renewal Center today and let us guide you toward sustainable recovery. We will help you heal from the addictions and substance use challenges that hinder you from leading your most fulfilled life through personalized, whole-person treatment.